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Business Intelligence and CRM

  • Business Analytics and CRM

  • Business Intelligence Infrastructure

Business Analytics and CRM

As companies prepare their financial projections and business modeling for a new product, segment, or concept, they need to partner with their BI/CRM team to make the necessary infrastructure updates to immediately track the impact of the new event as they unfold in the marketplace. 


COPERNICI utilizes company’s BI infrastructure, provides recommendations for automated sales and marketing reporting, and applies business analytics best practices to generate customer behavior insights that can empower marketing and sales to manage the product or service life-cycle far more effectively and profitably. 



Our applied business analytics methodology also helps to identify the greatest revenue and profitability opportunity per customer class and segment, and to strategically prioritize them. COPERNICI consultants can help manage CTA flow in the marketing and sales funnels to optimize spend efficiency and effectiveness, saving significant budget dollars in the process. 



COPERNICI consultants advise on how to utilize customer insight mined from BI/CRM resources to drive marketing awareness, reach, customer satisfaction and NPS (net promoter score), conversion ratios, and more. COPERNICI advises how to save millions of dollars from your sales and marketing budgets by analyzing multiple touch points with customers through our customer data aggregation and business analytics processes. 



We advise on how to set up BI/CRM department that will help increase accountability among marketing and sales organizations while improving the customer-related component of risk management and KPIs. 

Business Intelligence Infrastructure

COPENICI advises clients on transition from transactional BI infrastructure to customer-focused infrastructure. We help clients to develop their CRM strategy and address their analytical needs to facilitate the use of predictive analytics and improve customer lifecycle, acquisition and retention. COPERNICI offers building customer data aggregation systems including providing recommendations for automating sales and marketing reporting that enable capturing and displaying information for ongoing customer insight and customer contact management. We will lead BI project management and development for your customer data aggregation, and automated sales and marketing reporting.

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