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2 - Life and Career Stages
Tutorial 2.1 - Life and Career Stages of a Sport Horse
Download the Ages and Career Stages mapping to Dressage. From a foal to a schoolmaster.
3 cases: Good horses, riders’ mistakes
3 cases: Natural issues revealed
3 cases: Great inspiration!
Homework for those would like to apply to their horses.
If you would like to try, pencil down your horses' lifespan profiles. This file has a template for you to do that.
Tutorial 2.3 - Questions and Answers
Here we are going into the questions from my channel subscribers:
- Why injury year is marked all black? Can it count as a training year, too?
- Can a horse continue on the same level of training right after the black injury year?
- After a year or so of lay-up, we repeat the Old Remount, Developing Horse training years. Are they the same for a mature horse as they are for a young horse?
- What training is behind each training year's abbreviation? (Young Remount, Developing Horse, etc.)?
- What if my horse is talented? I work it as a Developing Horse already at 4 y.o. age? How can it influence functional longevity in a lifetime?
- How can I determine a training year start? What is a good age?
- In old Europe, horses were trained for cavalry for only 2 years, 1 year as Young Remounts, one year as Old Remounts, why are we talking of 4 Remount years total?
Tutorial 2.2 - Examples: 9 cases with lifespan profiles
4 dimensions of instant rider control
Age stages: foal, young horse, mature horse, senior horse
Career stages: foal, young remount, old remount, developing, schoolmaster, retired
How to map stages
Age in months
Beginning of a training year
Principles of every career stage