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3 - Training Plan Elements

Tutorial 3.1 - Training Plan Elements - Activity Volume in Lifespan

Video 3.1 - Training Plan Elements - Activity Volume in Lifespan is build on the previous Series 2 videos available on web-site page:

2.1 – Life and career stages of a Sport Horse (Dressage, Eventing, Jumping) 

2.2 – 9 Examples and Homework (with 2 downloadable files for practicing) 

2.3 – Answering Questions from the viewers 


In the Training Plan elements - Needed Activity in a Sport Horse lifespan, we look at the activity volume across entire life span of 30 years for a sport Horse. We conclude about chronic activity deprivation in modern barns and training yards, misbalance of training intensity to actual average activity volume, and offer the way to calculate that for your Sport Horse to see how far out your horses training is, or how close to a fair balance. Once we can measure the gap, we know what to fix!

Tutorial 3.2 - Training Plan Elements - Workloads in a Mix

Workloads in a mix is one of my favorite subjects, because it is so much diversity and almost infinite variations! Tactics from workloads are covered at a great length in books like authored by James Filis and Wilhelm Museler, video series by Reiner Klimke, Conrad Schumacher, Kira Kirklund, Tim Stockdale, Ingrid Klimke, Lisa Wilcox, many others (!)

in numerous private bereuter and trainer channels on YouTube, and in public aggregators like


In this video we review 16 workloads for sport horses, 6 FEI international disciplines that organically stem from a generalist sport horse development, balance of workloads in a mix across career stages; human roles and responsibilities in creating and managing workload mix, and a Bereuter alert with a call to action!


Tutorial 3.3 - Training Plan Elements - Daily Activity Stack

In this video we create the daily activity stack - 3 different regiments (although you may derive more than 4 for your horse). Examples of how to calculate variance in activity volume hours and number of steps. Actual vs targets. Ways to propose adjustments. Activity deprivation in number of steps even in active time proficit. Ask your stable  neighbors and equestrian community about good ways to implement your adjustments or email your questions:


Download the Daily Activity Stack - Regiments Template (PDF)


Tutotial 3.4 - Training Plan Elements - Weekly Schedule

Training, Wearing, Recovery and Reflection intertwine in the simplest sequence of training sessions within just one a week. How to be smart about planning the weekly schedule? What are the good patterns and what are not? Layering. Accumulation. When recovery pace slows down. A lazy horse. How to identify risky days and how to avoid them. A Wear and Tear score reflects Intensity and Wear correlation. Veterinary case and Training case. Mapping I/W with DAV - daily activity volume (# steps per day). 3-day, 4-day, 5-day, 6-day examples. Key principles for a take-away.


Tutotial 3.5 - Training Plan Elements - Sprints

Sprints are calendar periods of gradual, steady increase in activity volume and or intensity. Cycles of building up activity volume and intensity followed by relaxation. A Training Phase for any of the FEI disciplines can shape up around 9-months period. How do we allocate progressive training sessions over months? The answer is - in Sprints, which can be 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks long. All mounted and unmounted workloads can follow the rules of Sprints. This includes lunging, free jumping, jumping, dressage, racing, cross-country, work-in hand, etc. In the previous video 3.4 we looked at the weekly training schedule. In this video we find out how the training weeks can stack up to promote developing capacity in your horses, while keeping them sound and fresh in mind, motivated.


Tutorial 3.6 - Training Plan Elements - Annual Seasonal Plan

For all those who are planning to show this season, I put all Training Plan Elements together is this final video of the Training Plan Elements series, video 3.6 - Training Plan Elements - Annual Seasonal Plan. In this video we discuss:

- Climate and seasonal waves

- Fitting sprints to year seasons

- Adding the shows to your schedule

- At the end of the video there is homework four you - actually creating your structured training plan for your horse for the year!!!

Good luck with your horses!


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