Subsidiary of Copernici Group

Fund & Sell Your Company
Funding Strategy
Executive Summary
Business Plan
Presentation Materials and Presenters’ Training
Investor Communications
At COPERNICI we find that many entrepreneurs with early-stage companies can use a little help in preparing the communication of their opportunities for finding capital. It is essential to structure your company properly, package it well, and market your company to the type of investor you are trying to attract. In your effort to attract investors, we can help you package your story in a unique and compelling way, while also guiding you through the myriad hurdles, speed bumps, and other challenges that you’ll likely encounter along the way.

Funding Strategy
Stage of Business
There are options available for raising money, depending on the particular stage of your business. With this in mind you want to make sure your story amplifies the most vital aspects of your business in its stage in a way that resonates with your target prospective investors.
Current Funding
There are several avenues to funding business operations one must diligently explore before approaching potential sources of capital. These include such bootstrap means of improving productivity, selling in the other markets, or selling another/ancillary product. These are based on your ability to demonstrate some market traction, generate revenue, and grow your business by reinvesting proceeds and living within your means. This is one of the first things prospective investors will be looking to.
Investor Type
The many categories of investor that can be considered when capital is required, ranging from business angels and venture capital enterprises to finance companies and private equity investors to the traditional banks and public investment markets. You’ll need to develop an astute understanding of what each investor type looks for and how to align your offering to their requirements.
Rising Requirements
The days of obtaining funding based on a good idea alone are long behind us. Today investors (relatively independently of their type and behavior) are looking for proven revenue and guarantees of a payback. You might have a good idea, but can you execute on it? Here’s where we can help you prepare and structure your opportunity for presentation to prospective investors.
Business Plan and Executive Summary
Write your company’s detailed multi-page Business Plan and a two-page Executive Summary (download it in template here). These documents would serve as marketing materials for your company, and you will likely find yourself distributing them electronically along with an NDA to influencers, gatekeepers, and potential investors even before you see them in person. These documents are crucial for your company to get onto potential investors’ radar screens.
COPERNICI can create or audit your existing business plan and executive summary and re-write it specifically for funding strategy.
Oral Stand - Company Presentation Materials and Presenters Training
When your company’s executive summary and business plan trigger an in-person meeting with potential investors, you’ll need compelling presentation materials (product samples, positioning strategy, competitive analysis, customer testimonials, etc.). And because you’ll have only one shot, you’ll need speaker training. You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression!
Our experienced executive communications and investor relations professionals will prepare you for your presentation, and can even accompany you in your meetings with potential investors.
Investor Communications
Seasoned Public and Investor Relations guru and a former Managing Partner at Ansdell Associates and founder of nation’s IR association Fred Harrison distilled investor communications to one wonderfully simple principle: “Tell the truth”. His advice is: “Treat investors and lenders as you do your best customers you will get the best results. Get to know them far in advance and educate yourself to their needs. Communicate with them and keep your promises to them. This way when your company needs money you can position it as the kind of investment your capital providers will want to be involved with”.